Looking to remove points from a traffic ticket? Has your license been suspended? Are you under a court order to take a driver improvement course? If so, we've got you covered!

  • 4-Hour Basic Driver Improvement Course

    Have you received a traffic ticket? This online course allows you to avoid points and insurance penalties, retain a "safe driver" status, and receive an 18% reduction in the fine. This course is state-approved by the Department Highway Safety Motor Vehicles (DHSMV).


  • 8-Hour Court-Ordered Course

    Have you been ordered by the court to take an 8-hour course or received two traffic tickets within one year (Broward or Dade Counties only)? All 67 Florida counties approve this online course.


  • 12-Hour Advanced Driver Improvement Course

    Has your license been revoked/suspended or have you been ordered by the court to take a driving improvement program? If your offenses don't include DUI, you can take this course to fulfill the requirements for reinstating your license. With printable certificates of enrollment and completion, you can easily meet the legal requirements for reinstatement. The reward-based and engaging learning modules will help you get back on the road safely and efficiently.
